Covid-19 Safety Plan
Updated on June 24th, 2021
GB Langley is opened for in-person and online training and has been operating in strict safety policies as per health authorities. Please read the following carefully:
Capacity Limitation
o Maximum of 20 people will be allowed in the gym at a time;
o To book a spot in class, members must register via member's booking system;
– no walk-ins or visitors will be allowed;
o You must cancel if you can't make it and cancellation is allowed 1 hour prior to the selected class time slot;
Gym Entry and Exit
o You must wear a non-medical mask to enter the building;
o If there is someone ahead of you, please maintain at least 6 feet of distance;
o You must check in with staff in our reception desk;
o Staff will ask you to check your temperature using a non-contact thermometer and will ask you safety questions;
o You must wash or sanitize your hands upon entry;
o Attendance cards will be handled by staff only;
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
o Any PPE is highly recommended for your own and others safety;
Gym Etiquette and Sanitization
o Mat and common area will be sanitized often and between every training session;
o Training session will have at least a 10 min interval so staff have time to sanitize the mat and common areas;
o Always keep safe distance from other members, 2 meters or 6 feet social distance applies;
o If you have any symptoms of Covid-19, flu or cold or any sign of sickness, are considered to be in a high-risk group, recently traveled outside the country or have been in contact with someone who has or could have Covid-19, please stay home for everyone's safety and enjoy the online class;
House Keeping
o Please come prepared to your private training session with your uniform on and with little or no personal items;
o Shelfs will be closed so bring your personal belongings with you to your designated training area;
o Water cooler will be closed, please bring your own water;
This document is subject to change at any time as guidelines from health authorities changes.
Stay safe everyone!